
Friday, July 27, 2012

Outrageous Tweets Illustrated

This technically all started when I was at the La Conner Quilt & Textile Museum a few weeks ago, drinking cups of black, uncreamed & unsweetened coffee--and liking it. Since then I've tried (and also liked) the drink titled Shot in the Dark, and black coffee at other places.

The other day, I mentioned my new-found conversion to the taste of black coffee on Twitter. The resulting conversation was full of ridiculous images, and it inspired me to illustrate it.

Below is the "finished" versions, and way below are the pencil and inked versions, for those curious.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Artsy updates

Last week I got a letter (and check) from the Museum of Northwest Art for my piece selling at this year's art auction back in June. In the letter was the buyer's name and address, as she didn't opt to remain anonymous.
That evening I sat down, took out my typewriter, and wrote her a letter explaining the ideas and history of the piece she bought--Gashes: A Stitch in Time. I like to make an effort to make contact with the people that end up buying my art, to show my appreciation.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Thoughts from Places: Almost a year ago

As I was looking through my Google Doc folders, and found this little gem tucked away. It's titled "Quilt Museum Updates" and I haven't touched it since August 17, 2011. It's interesting to see this preserved snapshot of my thoughts during that time in the project. I'm sharing it (picture-less) now because I feel it's worth sharing, and I'm neck-deep in a few reviews right now.
(Back to more quilt stuffs)
Enjoy this rare insight: